Clear For Takeoff

Recognising that there’s a demand from businesses for no nonsense, straight talking marketing support, Joanna Plane set up “Plane Perspective”. Our aim is to help businesses increase their sales without unnecessary cost, complexity or hassle.

Joanna is a knowledgeable and respected senior marketing professional. She has experience stretching from manufacturing and construction to financial services. She has seen an increasing number of marketing companies taking advantage of their clients whose lack of understanding may expose them to high costs. Many businesses are now turning away from marketing agencies as a result of their bad experiences.

Joanna says,

‘In today’s climate it’s tough being a business owner. The economy is challenging, competition is fierce and marketing budgets are squeezed. In addition, customers are changing with many now using smartphones and tablets to make purchases as well as interacting and researching via social media.

‘Today’s marketing doesn’t have to be costly or a load of bother. Too many agencies have delivered poor results for extortionate sums leading to scepticism on the return on investment that marketing offers. Plane Perspective offers something different. We believe that all businesses need effective, transparent marketing support if they are to be successful.

‘We can provide all of the marketing tools, action plans and creative ideas that a business needs in order to help them secure new customers, win more business and make more sales. It can be a one-off project or a longer campaign, maybe a marketing MOT or on-going monthly support. One size doesn’t fit all and we tailor the activity to suit your needs.

‘We roll up our sleeves and use all of our business-building experience and front-line know how to help businesses grow. It’s a simple, straight talking and no nonsense approach. It’s what we like to call “Plane Speaking”.’

Want to talk marketing? Get in touch