It’s the law! How a marketing strategy raised the profile of our legal sector client
Our challenge
A client working in the employment law and compliance arena came to us, initially regarding social media. His company had yet to embrace it but he recognised it as an opportunity for his business. In addition he also wanted us to review his overall marketing strategy. What was he doing right? Where was he missing a trick?
As part of a marketing MOT we spent some time with the client, looking at his objectives and analysing his current situation. We highlighted the areas where he was strong, as well as looking at where some quick wins could be found. It’s important not to take a scattergun approach to business development. We worked together to drill down and identify his target audience. We defined clearly what his proposition was, his unique selling points and how it was different to his competitors. Once the product was defined, it enabled us to establish the communications plan to reach relevant prospects.
Our Marketing Strategy
We decided on a two-pronged approach. Firstly, to establish a strong presence in social media through Twitter and LinkedIn and also CIPD/industry sites. Secondly, to participate in a timely industry conference and use a speaking opportunity within the event. This was ideal to reach potential new customers as well as demonstrating thought leadership to the existing customer base.
Then over the next few weeks we:
- Set up Google analytics on his website to track visitors and see what they were looking at to guide future web page content
- Updated the website to include a social media feed and made the site easier to navigate
- Set up LinkedIn company and individual profile pages to engage with peers and participate in groups where people could use his solution
- Set up all the social media platforms with core messages about his proposition, using the sites to drive traffic to the website. We identified the posts which were particularly popular and mentioned by followers and trade industries and provided a weekly update report
- Revamped the literature suite to reflect the new offering
- Attended the conference and set up a survey to capture on the spot research to use post event
- Networked and leaflet distributed at the conference on his behalf to drive people to attend his speaking slot which ensured standing room only
- Followed this up the same evening with a thank you enewsletter to all delegates
- Wrote a press release with the research findings and secured coverage in market leading publications
- Sent the results in a White Paper to all delegates
- Reengaged with the client’s existing contacts by providing a summary of the conference and its findings
And the results are in…
- Within two weeks we had new and relevant followers on Twitter who were consistently engaging with the client
- Increased engagement with peers in LinkedIn groups so he was top of the list for his area in the search box facility
- 100 completed surveys on the day of the conference, which formed the basis of a research White Paper
- An opening rate for the follow up thank you newsletter that was 26.3% higher than the industry average
- A newsletter with White Paper research results opened by over 66% of the delegates within one day of the event from across the UK, Germany, Spain and Greece
- The most covered brand in the synopsis of the event through our social media coverage on the day
- Two new projects won due to reigniting with the existing customer base and two new clients from the conference