It’s the law! How a marketing strategy raised the profile of our legal sector client

Our challenge

A client working in the employment law and compliance arena came to us, initially regarding social media. His company had yet to embrace it but he recognised it as an opportunity for his business. In addition he also wanted us to review his overall marketing strategy. What was he doing right? Where was he missing a trick?

As part of a marketing MOT we spent some time with the client, looking at his objectives and analysing his current situation. We highlighted the areas where he was strong, as well as looking at where some quick wins could be found. It’s important not to take a scattergun approach to business development. We worked together to drill down and identify his target audience. We defined clearly what his proposition was, his unique selling points and how it was different to his competitors. Once the product was defined, it enabled us to establish the communications plan to reach relevant prospects.

Our Marketing Strategy

We decided on a two-pronged approach. Firstly, to establish a strong presence in social media through Twitter and LinkedIn and also CIPD/industry sites. Secondly, to participate in a timely industry conference and use a speaking opportunity within the event. This was ideal to reach potential new customers as well as demonstrating thought leadership to the existing customer base.

Then over the next few weeks we:

And the results are in…

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